Why Do We Get Sick in Winters?
Find out more about the wellness and preventive care services offered at Plymouth Urgent Care and Bloomfield Urgent Care. For more information, contact us or schedule an appointment online. We have convenient locations to serve you in Plymouth MI, and Bloomfield Hills MI.

Table of Contents:
People spend more time inside together
Cold weather may lower your immune system
Protecting your health this winter
How many times did your mom tell you to put a hat on or to zip up your jacket before going outside in the winter?
To say that cold weather has no impact on your health wouldn’t be 100% accurate, however, it’s not the direct cause of some of the most common winter illnesses.
Why illnesses spike in the winter
The real reason why people tend to get sick in the winter is because cold weather forces them to stay inside with others. When you have dozens of people working together in an office that’s closed up for the winter, germs can spread faster and easier.
Many researchers believe that cold weather can lower your immune system, making it difficult for your body to fight off infections.
People are also more likely to suffer a vitamin D deficiency in the winter, due to a lack of sunlight and time spent outside. Vitamin D plays a major role in maintaining a healthy immune system.
Making small tweaks to your daily routine can have a big impact on your health. This winter:
• Get your annual flu shot.
• Get plenty of sleep (more than 7 hours a night).
• Drink at least 8 glasses of water per day.
• Wash your hands after going to the bathroom, before you eat anything, and before going to bed for the night.
• Always sneeze into a tissue or your elbow.
• Don’t share utensils or cups with other people.
Find out more about the wellness and prevention care services offered at our Urgent Care Centers by calling for our Bloomfield location or Plymouth location. We serve patients from Plymouth MI, Bloomfield Hills MI, Livonia MI, Novi MI, Worden MI, Canton MI, Southfield MI, Troy MI, and Farmington Hills MI.

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