Urgent Care for Heat Stroke Treatment in Plymouth, & Bloomfield, MI
Heat Stroke can be severe and dangerous and is very common during the hot summer months. Taking precautionary methods to ensure heat stroke doesn’t occur can help. If you do have signs or symptoms of heat stroke, please visit Plymouth Urgent Care and Bloomfield Urgent Care today! Contact us today to learn more. We have convenient locations to serve you in Plymouth, MI and Bloomfield Hills MI.

Table of Contents:
What causes heat stroke?
How do you treat heat stroke?
Should I go to an urgent care or emergency for heat stroke?
What is the difference between heat stroke and sun stroke?
Sunstroke or heat stroke can be very dangerous and is usually quite common during the summer months. Follow these precautionary methods to be taken during the hotter months:
• Wear loose-fitting clothing, lightweight clothing
• Protect against the sun rays and sunburn by wearing sunscreen and a hat
• Drink plenty of fluids like water
• Relax during the hottest parts of the day
• Be careful if you are at increased risk
• Never leave anyone or any animals in a parked or running car
These heatstroke precautionary tips can help save your life or someone else’s from injury or worse.
Heatstroke happens when your body is overheating, usually as a result of long periods of exposure to extremely high temperatures. Serious heatstroke can be caused as a form of heat injury, heatstroke and can occur in body temperatures of 104 F (40 C) or higher. Heat stroke is seen most commonly during the summer months.
Heatstroke can be very dangerous and requires immediate medical treatment. If someone with heatstroke goes untreated, it can quickly cause damage to the patient’s heart, kidneys, and muscles. The damage can become worse the longer treatment is put off which increases the risk of serious complications or possibly worse.
The many symptoms of heatstroke that everyone should look for include:
• High body temperature
• Altered mental state or behavior
• Alteration is sweating
• Nausea and vomiting
• Flushed skin
• Rapid breathing
• Racing heart rate
• Headache
Heatstroke can be caused by:
• Exposure to a hot environment
• Strenuous activity
• Wearing excess clothing in hot temperatures
• Drinking alcohol during hot temperatures
• Becoming dehydrated by not drinking enough water
To help cool down from heat stroke you may notice minor symptoms:
• Get into some shade or indoors away from the heat
This will remove the person from the heat that caused the heat stroke in the first place.
• Remove any excess clothing to help cool down
This will help to cool the person down and offer the ability to allow cold air or other cold compress to access their skin faster.
• Cool down with whatever is available
Sitting in a cool tub of water, stand or sit in a cool shower, spray down the injured individual with a garden hose, apply a sponge with cool water to the face and beck, fan while misting with cool water, place ice packs or a cool wet towel on the person’s head, neck, armpits and groin.
• Visit urgent care like Urgent Medical Care to receive treatment
Many minor heat stroke patients can be easily treated at an urgent care like Urgent Medical Care in Plymouth, & Bloomfield, MI.
• Drink plenty of fluids
Consider drinking water and sports drinks which are the best drinks of choice. Avoid any caffeinated tea, coffee, soda, and alcohol as these fluids can lead to dehydration. Dehydration can cause heat stroke to worsen quickly, always remember to bring bottles of water or electrolyte sports drinks whenever you go out into the hot temperatures or you are staying inside during warmer temperatures.
If the signs or symptoms continue to worsen, visit an emergency clinic immediately. If treatment for heatstroke goes untreated, it can worsen and cause severe damage.
If you or you think someone else may be experiencing heatstroke, seek immediate medical attention. Mild symptoms of heat stroke can be treated at an urgent care, while more severe symptoms should be treated at an emergency room like a hospital.
The two terms heat stroke and sunstroke are the same thing, they are used interchangeably. Heatstroke or sunstroke can happen when the body can no longer handle high heat temperatures. Many people always have warning signs and symptoms before heatstroke, yet sometimes they do not pay attention to those signs and symptoms, which can lead to serious injury.
If you or someone you know is showing signs or symptoms of heat stroke or sun stroke visit an urgent care like Urgent Medical Care in Plymouth, & Bloomfield, MI. We serve patients from Plymouth MI, Bloomfield Hills MI, Livonia MI, Novi MI, Worden MI, Canton MI, Southfield MI, Troy MI, Farmington Hills MI, and surrounding areas!

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